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Celebration of Vision & Community Spirit Winter 2011

Partners for Livable Communities will honor eight individuals and organizations for stewardship and innovation in the improvement of communities worldwide. These prestigious awards will be presented by Washington, D.C.-based Partners for Livable Communities at its Celebration of Vision and Community Spirit.

The “Celebration of Vision and Community Spirit” awards honor both innovative projects in communities and lifetimes of achievement for individuals that have made a true difference in their respective fields of activity. The honorees represent lifetimes of cultivating the arts, historic preservation, regionalism, smart planning practices and neighborhood development that bring life to struggling communities. All of the honorees have sought to build on their assets and improve the communities around them, an effort which Partners believes deserves to be lauded, with individual stories spread far and wide.

A Celebration of Community Vision and Spirit 2011 Honorees

(Click on the award description to see more about the award and past recipients. Click on the Honoree to read a longer write-up of their award. )


im Rogers 
For his commitment to the environment and renewable energy programs in wind, solar, and policy development as the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President of Duke Energy. 


Richard C.D. Fleming

For his commitment to building livable and sustainable cities as a civic entrepreneur for more than 30 years while engaged in private sector and civic initiatives to revitalize cities and metropolitan communities in Atlanta, Denver, and, for the past 17 years, St. Louis.

Robert Pohlman
For his influential support of the Housing Production Trust Fund and leadership providing critical construction, rehabilitation, and acquisition of affordable housing units in Washington, D.C. during the past 10 years. 


James O. GIbson 
For his leading advocacy in urban revitalization, community development, and race relations, with more than three decades on issues ranging from civil rights to economic opportunity. 


Ron Grzywinski 

For his support of community reinvestment as co-founder of ShoreBank Corporation, a bank holding company that provided capital, credit, and management assistance to minority-owned businesses and families

Janet Thompson
For her expertise in community development, engagement, and reinvestment in nonprofit and financial management with over 35 years of expertise in private community engagement.  

Quarter century of service award 

Arts Extension Service
For their groundbreaking work as a leading arts service organization that bridges research and practice by providing education, training, research, and professional development opportunities to state and local arts agencies, arts managers, and artists.


Tersh Boasberg 

For his revolutionary advocacy of historic preservation, land use, and environmental law, and as founder of Preservation Action, a national grassroots lobby. 

For more information or press inquiries, please contact Fred Winter at (202) 887-5990, ext. 105 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
