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Other Areas of Expertise

As the dynamics of American communities evolve, organizations that work to make communities more livable must adapt as well. To meet the emerging challenges that face communities in the 21st century, Partners constantly looks for what is cutting edge in livability agendas.  In addition to national issue-based initiatives, the organization has also accumulated a vast store of knowledge on a variety of other livability topics. The list below represents a small number of the issues that Partners has worked on over the past thirty years.

PEOPLE: Towards a Caring Community

-Multicultural America as an Asset
-Culture Builds Communities
-Youth and Family Needs
-Youth at Risk: Who can Help?
-Neighborhood Empowerment & Civic Engagement
-Aging In Place
-Schools as a Community Resource
-Health and Wellness

PLACE: The Built and Natural Environment

-Regional Cooperation for Sustainable Development
-Transportation Agendas
-New Development Patterns - Saving Open Lands
-Greening the City
-Civic Beautification
-Public Art/Places as Art
-Creative Zoning for Live/Work Spaces

LEADERSHIP: The New Civics

-New Stakeholders for Community Change
-Regional Capacity Building - Visioning /Goal Setting
-Community Philanthropy
-Town-Gown Strategies
-Livability Rankings - Benchmarks & Indices

JOBS: Economic Development

-The Creative Economy
-Training Tomorrow’s Labor Force -School to Work
-Economics of Amenities
-New Anchor Tenants for your Metropolitan Downtown
-Neighborhood Enterprise
-City Image: Perception and Reality
-Tourism as Community Development

FINANCE: Paying for it

-Public-Private Partnerships Incentives That Work
-Business Improvement Districts
-Foundation Resources for your City
-Metropolitan “Asset” Financing
-Entrepreneurial Financing Strategies-Privatization and Advertising
