10 Critical Challenges for Cities in 2014

NLC report cover image
On Thursday, the National League of Cities released The 10 Critical Imperatives Facing Cities in 2014, its annual report highlighting ten of the most pressing issues facing cities across the United States. Partners board member and incoming NLC President, Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker explained during the report's unveiling, "This is not a wish list just of cities. This is a wish list of the people who live in America. That’s 80 percent of the population of America that’s being represented through us."

The ten items on the list were:

  1. Fragile Fiscal Health
  2. Deteriorating Transportation Infrastructure
  3. The Shrinking Middle Class
  4. Inadequate Access to Higher Education
  5. The Need for Affordable Housing
  6. A Less-Than-Welcoming Return for Veterans
  7. Gang Violence
  8. A Broken Immigration System
  9. Climate Change and Extreme Weather
  10. Lack of Public Trust

Click here to read the full report from NLC, which includes an overview of initiatives being taken by cities in their own efforts to tackle these ten challenges and create more livable communities for their residents.
